- .biz stands for Business
- .info stands for information
- .org stands for Organization
- .com stands for Commercial
- .mobi stands for mobile
- .us stands for United States
- .edu stands for post-secondary educational establishments
- Is there another way? Yes, there is. Businesses should be making use of a domain name registration company to centrally administer all their domains. There are lots of very professional domain name registration companies that have been in business for years and that provide fully functional control panels that give their customers full control over their domain names. Then, all they have to do is change the name server details from their old host to their new host for each domain.
- Just to give a range: you should be able to get a provider that gives you all as described above for less than 20 US$ a year; assuming traffic is not to high (like < 5 GB per month), and size of website not too big (like < 50 MB). That is pretty decent, especially for personal websites.
- .net stands for Network
Just go to a site like hostgator.com (well i recommend them because they are credible and also domain bought from them are cheap) choose the domain you want ( the domain name should be short to make it very attractive) then checkout .
you will then be directed to a page why you can purchase the domain using a credit card or paypal.
well if you dont what to pass through this hussel just to get a website then follow this link
i have my details on the page
Nice blog really useful for those who dont know anything about how to buy domain name for their website ...I followed the tips which you specified here and choose apt domain name for my business website and got it registered through domain providers like Thewebpole.com for affordable cost ...
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